Los Altos Grace Elementary
Enrichment & Activities
In addition to our great core curriculum, we offer a wide variety of other opportunities
Our math program offers students a positive challenge on several fronts. Students learn reasoning skills in addition to the basic computation requirements. Beginning in 3rd grade students tryout for the ACSI Math Olympics. Under the tutelage of our math specialist, Our students have been consistently the winner of top math awards.
Our reading specialist, Mrs. Anne Bain, provides excellent individual enrichment in this crucial skill.
I have the pleasure of team teaching reading to the first graders, and reading and creative writing to the second graders. I also teach a basic music class to the kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classes one afternoon a week. The supportive staff and wonderful students and families here have been a blessing and encouragement to me over the years.
I received my degree and credential from CSULB, which is where I met my husband. We were married in 1988 and have 2 sons who attended LABS. The academic, spiritual, and musical influences they received from their years here have helped them excel in all areas of life. I enjoy going to theme parks with my family, singing in the worship band at church, baking, decorating, and spending time with friends while savoring a good cup of coffee.
I’m so grateful God led me to LABS to help students develop a lifelong love of reading and learning. My prayer is that they would know Christ personally and serve Him with their gifts and talents. The scripture Matthew 6:33 has given purpose to my life since accepting Christ at age 7: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” When I put God first and trust Him in all circumstances, all my other priorities and needs fall into place. He is always faithful to bring provision, protection, and peace into my life.
We are pleased to combine classroom instruction with a wide variety of activities to further learning and to get the kids more engaged with various topics.

Here are just some of our various activities and camps and field trips:
- Our Kindergarten classes go to the Eldorado Nature Center in Long Beach.
- Our First grade class goes to the LA Zoo.
- Our Second grade class visits the Cabrillo Marine Museum.
- Our Third grade class attends Ironwood Camp.
- Our Fourth grade class goes to the San Juan Capistrano Mission.
- Our Fifth grade class goes to Genesis Camp.
- Our Sixth grade class spends a week at Rawhide Ranch, learning about various ranch animals in depth, and learning to ride and even to participate in vaulting.
- Our entire school goes to Biola University for their special music program for kids.